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Understanding all about church candles & votive candle stands

In Christian worship, a candle is often used as a symbol of the light of God. It can also be used
to decorate the walls and enhance the ambiance. The lighting of candles has become a
symbolic gesture at many Christian churches, where worshippers will light candles as a sign of
remembrance for a loved one who has passed as well as during a part of services like a Mass.
Clergy often relates the candle as representing Jesus as the Light of the world and also as
representing God’s presence and power. Now, what is the difference between church candles
and votive candle stands? While visiting a Christian store you might have stumbled upon plenty
of candle varieties but what makes each of them different? Let’s take a look:
Firstly, the candle stands used in churches are called votive stands and the term refers to
something that is consecrated or offered in fulfillment of a vow. It is also called a prayer candle
as it represents the prayer said for someone else or for one’s self. A votive candle stand can
take up different styles and sizes. It could either be a tabletop stand or a standalone piece
that can be made with wood, steel, metal, fiber, crystal, or brass. At La Corona Del Rosario,
one of the most popular Christian stores in Kerala, we have candle stands in all of the above
mentioned materials in elegant styles.

Candles form a significant part of Catholic celebrations and rituals, and the lighting of candles
plays a considerable role. They are lit during the celebration of Masses and at other times to
signify God’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament in churches or chapels, or at funerals. In the
Sacrament of Baptism, an individual is initiated into the Church by receiving a candle from the
Paschal Candle, which symbolizes Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection. By lighting this
candle, an individual receives the Light of Christ so that they may live and walk the path of God’s
children and sustain that flame of faith burning alive in their heart. As they receive this indelible
baptismal mark, they shall encounter the Lord and be one with all the saints in Heaven when the
time comes.
Now, what does the votive candle stand lighted before a statue or God’s image? It
demonstrates one’s devotion and reverence for God. A lighted candle stand symbolizes a
prayer offering. We present our petitions to the Lord and ask the saints to pray with us, as well
as for us during our most urgent needs. This light, when kept burning in a place of prominence,
represents our longing for God’s companionship as we go about our daily duties at home and in
the workplace.
Candles are lit at altars, usually set up as part of a religious ceremony in honour of a particular
saint. Candles are also commonly lit beside images of the Sacred Heart, Mary, the Little Flower,
St Joseph and others. These candles can be placed before statues of saints and other objects
such as flowers or artwork. The number of candles and the placement of candle stands/candles
to be lit at the primary altar differs based on the occasion and type of clergy presiding over the
Mass. As per traditions, all the candles must be in place and lit before the Mass begins and they
are not extinguished until the service is over.

Candle Stand

Worshippers do keep church candles at their home while praying. You can choose from our
range of candle stands and candles to complete the setup. Like we had already mentioned, the
concept of light has a special significance because it represents Christ. Christ is called the “light
of the world” in John 1:4 and he is associated with light imagery in John’s Gospel as well. As a
result, we understand why, during the Sacrament of Baptism, a priest presents a candle that has
been lit from the Paschal candle and tells the newly baptized to receive Christ’s light. And at
Easter, the Paschal candle is lit as a sign of Christ’s risen light that cannot be extinguished. It
shines into the world as a symbol of hope and love.
A symbol of devotion, hope, prayer and a lot more, candles play a crucial role in Christianity. It
needs to be maintained carefully. Our range of candles and candle stands are meticulously
crafted with the best raw materials that are sourced to befit your requirements.La Corona Del
Rosario has always been in the front when it comes to client satisfaction and delivering best
quality Christian supplies, gifts and products. If you are in search of a reputed Christian store in
Kochi, head over to our outlet in Koonamavu or Varapuzha for a seamless shopping experience.

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