Ravi Jose is one of the leading dealers of rosaries in Koonammavu, the nursery of rosary-making in Kerala, as well as India
Photo by Mithun Vinod
By Shevlin Sebastian
Fr. Sanal Lawrence D’Souza is like a kid in a toy shop. At the La Coruna Del Rosario shop at Koonammavu, 17 kms from Kochi, he picks up numerous rosaries, Bibles, sepulchers, candles, key chains, statues of Jesus Christ, as well as Crucifixes. The jean-clad priest has come from the St. Theresa’s Church at Mahe, 240 kms away. “We have a feast coming up in October for our saint,” says Fr. D’Souza. “Lakhs of people are expected to attend. So I am buying all this stuff to be sold there.”
And the man who is selling the material is Ravi Jose, who is one of the leading dealers of rosaries in Koonammavu, which is regarded as the home of rosary-making in Kerala, as well as India.