
16 Inch Long Offering Bag

Original price was: ₹1,100.00.Current price is: ₹850.00.

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  • Size : 16 inch
  • Silver plated
  • In Christian liturgical practices, an offering bag is used during the collection of tithes and offerings as part of the worship service. This act is often integrated into the service, following a prayer or hymn, and is seen as a time for congregants to give back to God and support the church’s ministries and outreach efforts.
  • The use of the offering bag can vary by denomination and tradition. It is typically passed among the pews by ushers, allowing each attendee the opportunity to place their financial contribution into the bag. This act is often accompanied by a musical interlude, hymn, or anthem, and sometimes a prayer of thanksgiving or blessing over the gifts. In many churches, the collected offerings are brought to the altar or another designated place as a symbolic offering to God.
  • The practice emphasizes the principles of stewardship, gratitude, and community support within the Christian faith.